
Keywords: Algorithm, Efficiency, Order and Complexity.

Article Content:-


In this paper, an optimal electricity distribution algorithm was improved by incorporating the time of the day electricity energy is supplied to the districts of the XYZ distribution zone. The electricity distribution improved is computational more efficient over the earlier distribution algorithm developed from an optimal electricity allocation model (OEAM) for efficient energy consumption. This was done by considering the optimal electricity results generated by the application of the OEAM model on the data obtained from the XYZ electricity distribution company and PQR transmission station as well as the analysis of the complexity
of the algorithm. The electricity distribution algorithm aims at optimizing the scare amount of electricity energy transmitted to the various districts of the XYZ electricity distribution zone. The improved algorithm is of order () n  while the former algorithm is of order 2 O( ) n . Quadratic algorithm increases rapidly as the dimension of the problem grows The algorithm improved could allow for planning by customers since the time of day is considered in its development. The improved algorithm developed was implemented using Java programming language on the JDK 1.7 platform.



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How to Cite
Ayuba, P. (2015). A Modified Optimal Electricity Distribution Algorithm for Xyz Electricity Distribution Zone. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 3(05), 983-987. Retrieved from