
Keywords: Fibonacci Like Sequence,Generalized Fibonacci Like Sequence,Lucas Sequence.

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The Fibonacci sequence has been studied extensively and generalized in many ways.Hordam[ 5 ] has considered a generalized Fibonacci sequence w0 ,w1,w2... .defined by 1 2, n 2 n n n w pw qw      with initial condition 0 1 w  a,w  b . In this paper ,We present some identities of Fibonacci like sequence.



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A.F.Hordam,Special properties of the sequence n W (a,b;p,q),Fibonacci Quaterly5,424-434(1967).


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How to Cite
Harne, S., Badshah, V., & Sethiya, S. (2014). Some Identities of Fibonacci Like Sequences. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 2(03), 371-374. Retrieved from