
Keywords: Short Text, Feature Vector, Clustering, Sparse

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Clustering has been an interesting research area due to its usability. It is an unsupervised learning technique which is used in many fields such as machine learning, data mining, pattern recognition, image analysis and bioinformatics etc. Also, Clustering helps in finding targeted patterns and structures directly from very large data sets with little or none of the background knowledge. Researchers are working on it by using various clustering methods/algorithms like K-means, C-means, Fuzzy C-means etc. to make it useful and have obtained meaningful results. In Short Text Clustering, clustering is performed using short
text data like tweets, facebook messages, various news feeds etc. Short text as its name suggests is a text that contains only a few words; for instance, the length of a short text in Twitter is less than 140 words; Search engine queries are mostly short texts. However, it may prove very helpful in extracting meaningful information if this large unorganized data may be grouped on the basis of some similarity. But, the major problem in clustering short text is its sparse feature vector. ‘Feature Vector’ is the key element in clustering technique. So, the major solution proposed by researchers is to expand short text data as a long text using various concepts. In this paper, we have discussed various challenges in short text clustering, concepts used to overcome these challenges and also we have discussed the other possible solutions which may further improve clustering results.



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How to Cite
Siddiqui, D. T., & Aalam, P. (2015). Short Text Clustering; Challenges & Solutions: A Literature Review. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 3(06), 1025-1031. Retrieved from