
Keywords: External beam radiation therapy(EBRT), Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Expectation Maximization Segmentation (EM).

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External beam radiation therapy for the treatment of cancer make likely correct placement of radiation dosage on the cancerous region.Still, the deformation of soft tissue through the progress of treatment, such as in cervical cancer, presents important challenges for the outlining of the target volume and other structures .The segmentation of cervical cancer Magnetic ResonanceImage is done by using Expectation maximization segmentation algorithm. The tumor region is selected and the feature are extracted and finally the images are classified by using an Artificial Neural Network to identify the normal and abnormal tumor images.



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How to Cite
Jagadeeswari, S., & Malarkhodi, S. (2014). Segmentation and Classification Using Artificial Neural Network Of Cervical Cancer In Magnetic Resonance Image. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 2(05), 408-415. Retrieved from