
Keywords: Direction-of-arrival (DOA), multiple signal classification (MUSIC), oblique projection operator, beam space, mutual coupling

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Oblique projection operator (OPO)can be used to project measurements onto a low-rank desired signal subspace along a direction thatis oblique to the subspace. The appropriate subspace projection may be used to enhance the characteristics of the desired signal power and reduces the interference effect. In this paper,we propose a high-resolution direction-of-arrival(DOA)estimation algorithm for signal sources of uniform linear array (ULA) in the presence of mutual coupling by using an oblique projection operator. The mutual coupling coefficient between two sensor elements is inversely proportional to their distance and the value can be approximated as zero when the distance is far enough. The mutual coupling matrix (MCM) of a ULA can be expressed as a banded symmetric Toeplitz matrix. The multiple signal classification (MUSIC)algorithm by using an orthogonal projection operator for DOA estimation in the presence of mutual coupling signal environments can only utilize the middle subarray, the DOA estimation is biased. We usean oblique projection operator on a beam space to overcome the drawback of MUSIC algorithm for DOA estimation in the presence of mutual coupling and the algorithm proceeds into two stages. First, we use
MUSIC algorithm to obtain the estimated DOAs of the signal sources. Because the estimation sareprone to bias, we built a beam space near the estimated angles in Stage 1 to reduce DOA bias. Next, the projection weights of steering vectors on signal subspaces were replaced with their revised steering vectors. We use an oblique projection operator on the beam space to develop the characteristic of DOA of signal sources on a spatial spectrum for scanning and estimating the angle-of-arrival of signal sources. High-resolution DOA estimates are thus obtained. Finally, simulation results demonstrate the performance and procedural accuracy of our method.



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How to Cite
Lin, C.-C., & Chen, Y.-L. (2015). Using an Oblique Projection Operator for DOA Estimation Of Uniform Linear Array In The Presence Of Mutual Coupling. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 3(09), 1154-1164. Retrieved from