
Keywords: Harvesting, Fixed points, Stability, Bifurcation and Period doubling.

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In this paper, we formulate a discrete Prey – Predator model and introduce harvesting in prey population. The dynamical behavior of the proposed model is investigated through analytical study of the existence of fixed points and their stability on prey harvesting. Stability of the discrete system is investigated Numerical simulations are employed to exhibit the complex dynamics of the discrete model. Bifurcation, period doubling and time plot diagrams are plotted to study the behavior of the model in selected ranges.



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How to Cite
Selvam, A. M., Sathish, V., & Pushparajan, D. (2014). Analysis of a Discrete Prey-Predator Model with Prey Harvesting. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 2(07), 512-517. Retrieved from