
Keywords: Cycle, vertex-edge dominating sets, vertex-edge domination polynomial, vertex-edge domination number.

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Let G = (V, E) be a simple Graph. A set S  V(G) is a vertex-edge dominating set (or simply ve-dominating set) if for all edges e  E(G), there exist a vertex v  S such that v dominates e. In this paper, we study the concept of vertex-edge domination polynomial of the cycle Cn. The vertex-edge domination polynomial of Cn is Dve(Cn, x) = |V(G)| n 4 i        dve(Cn, i)xi, where dve(Cn, i) is the number of vertex-edge dominating sets of Cn with cardinality i. We obtain some properties of Dve(Cn, x) and its co-efficients. Also, we calculate the recursive formula to derive the vertex-edge domination polynomials of cycles.



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How to Cite
Vijayan, A., & Nagarajan, T. (2014). Vertex-Edge Dominating Sets and Vertex-Edge Domination Polynomials of Cycles. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 2(08), 547-564. Retrieved from