
Keywords: Connected graph, Hamiltonian-t*- connected graph, Total graph, Sunlet graph, K1,n graph, Hamiltonian-t*-laceable graph, Hamiltonian-t-laceability number (t ) .

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A simple connected graph G is Hamiltonian Laceable, if there exists a Hamiltonian path between every pair of distinct vertices at an odd distance in it. G is a Hamiltonian-t-laceable (t*-laceable) if there exists a Hamiltonian path in G between every pair (at least one pair) of vertices u and v in G with the property d(u,v)=t , 1≤t≤diam G. In this paper we explore Hamiltonian laceability properties of the Total graph of the Sunlet graph, Star graph, Path graph and Cycle.



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How to Cite
G, M., R, M., & S.K, R. (2014). Hamiltonian Laceability in Total Graphs. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 2(12), 774-785. Retrieved from