
Keywords: Motion Detection; Image Processing, ARM, Embedded Linux1.

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The design of motion detection system based on embedded Linux. The architecture and working of this system is introduced in details, and introduces the image processing, the conventional video detection system is improved. The motion detection system will make use any camera interfaces with ARM microcontroller. The main disadvantage of this type of systems is they will continuously capture or continuously record the video and it will not check whether any object or person or any other thing is present at that location or not. So it will cause wastage of power of the total motion detection system and at the same time wastage of the memory used to store the data base of the captured image or video. To overcome this we had designed. In this paper we are developing camera connected to a ARM. After the captured video is processed by the detection module, they are transmitted to a local host or the data is stored inside the pen drive connected to the USB port.



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How to Cite
Sindhura, P., & Ravindrababu, P. (2013). Design For Motion Detection System Based On Embedded Linux Using Arm. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 1(01), 05-08. Retrieved from