
Keywords: Security, Graphical password, Persuasive Cued Click Points.

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Now-a-days, as information systems are open to the Internet, the importance of security for Networks are tremendously increased. Usable security has unique usability challenges because the need for security often means that standard human computer interaction approaches cannot be directly applied. An important usability goal for a authentication systems is to support users in selecting better passwords. Users often create memorable passwords that are easy for attackers to guess but strong system assigned passwords are difficult for users to remember. So researchers of modern days have gone for alternative methods. Here a graphical password system with One Time Password (OTP) is discussed. In proposed work a click-based graphical password scheme called Persuasive Cued Click Points (PCCP) is presented. In this system a password consists of sequence of some images in which user can select one click-point per a specific region of an image. In addition user receives an OTP through Email in order to verify himself to the system. The OTP is generated using random algorithm by which it is make unique for each and every time the user requests for logins. If the user chooses the correct click a point on each region of set of images chosen and has to verify the OTP sent to him in order to access his Information. System showed very good Performance in terms of speed, accuracy, and ease of use. Users preferred PCCP to Pass Points, saying that selecting and remembering only one point per image was easier.



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How to Cite
Prasanthi, M., & Srinivas, D. (2013). Implementation Of Knowledge Based Authentication System Using Persuasive Cued Click Point. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 1(01), 15-19. Retrieved from