
Keywords: Cloud Computing, Virtual machine, Consolidation, Energy-Aware Scheduling, Load Balancing

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These days, the organization knows that the power is being consumed by the unutilized Resources that is why the local cloud is becoming very popular. An essential requirement for cloud environments is not only the reduction in power consumption but also focus is also laid on decreasing the operating cost and improve the reliability of the system. The energy-aware computing makes the algorithms run faster and also reduce the computing energy requirements. This paper includes the existing techniques for balancing the load in cloud computing and their comparision on the basis of various parameters like performance, overhead, scalability etc.



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How to Cite
Kaur, K., Narang, A., & Kaur, K. (2013). Load Balancing Techniques of Cloud Computing. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 1(04), 103-108. Retrieved from