
Keywords: EDPTR, multi hop, host/client

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In this paper, we present an efficient path selection for transmission using Efficient Path Discovery Transmission Routing (EPDTR) in multi hop network. In a network, single host and multi-clients are present and it uses client/server method for data transmission. In EDPTR protocol, when transmission starts it opt the efficient path and at the same time other nodes are dynamic. The nodes which are participate in data propagation are called ‘active nodes’ and other nodes are called ‘sleeping nodes’. This method is used to select the efficient path from multiple paths in the network. If a path is not efficient it chooses alternative path for
efficient transmission.



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How to Cite
Kavitha, J., & Palaniammal, D. S. (2013). M/M(a,b)/Multiple Efficient Path TransmissionQueuing Model Using Energy Discover Path Transmission Routing (EDPTR). International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 1(11), 277-282. Retrieved from