
Keywords: New generalized (G /G) -expansion method, the fifth-order KdV equation, homogeneous balance, traveling wave solutions, nonlinear evolution equations.

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Mathematical modeling of numerous physical phenomena often leads to high-dimensional partial differential equations and thus the higher dimensional nonlinear evolution equations come into further attractive in many branches of physical sciences. In this works, we construct the traveling wave solutions involving parameters of the fifth-order KdV equation by using the new approach of generalized (G /G)- expansion method. Abundant traveling wave solutions with arbitrary parameters are successfully obtained by this method and the wave solutions are expressed in terms of the hyperbolic, trigonometric, and rational
functions. It is shown that the new approach of generalized (G /G) -expansion method is a powerful and concise mathematical tool for solving nonlinear partial differential equations.



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How to Cite
Hasan, S. S., Alam, M. N., Uddin, M. S., Hasan, M. S., & Akbar, M. A. (2013). Exact traveling wave solutions of the fifth-order KdV equation via the new approach of generalized (G /G) -expansion method. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 1(11), 283-302. Retrieved from