
Keywords: Cloud computing, IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, query service, big data.

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Cloud is a good concept of using the existing resources efficiently, but still there is lot of room for improving the efficiency. The present work will be focused on Amazon web service namely EMR service. Today the user has to pay for 1 hour even he/ she uses the service for just 20 minutes. Similarly, if the user uses the service for one hour and ten minutes, he pays for two hours. A company who does extensive data mining, running 1000 instances of data nodes, running couple of thousand jobs for a week, will be paying a huge sum of money. The proposed tool or framework will help to reuse the existing clusters, without shutting down; saving bootstrap time & making sure the jobs are queued properly for execution.



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How to Cite
B. H., H., L., D. S., & K.R., D. R. (2013). A Survey on Cloud Computing. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 1(11), 303-305. Retrieved from