
Keywords: IT, Cyber-Crimes-Governance and E-Commerce, KAVAL(Kanpur,Allahabad and Varanasi,Agra,Lucknow)

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Cybercrimes are a new class of crimes rapidly increasing due to extensive use of Internet and I.T. enabled services. The IT Act specifies the acts which are punishable and antisocial and antinational. Impact of IT Act in India, is a term that encapsulates the legal issues related to use of Communicative, Transactional, and Distributive aspects of networked information tools and Technologies with the involvement of hardware and software devices. The IT Act provides the backbone for E-Commerce and India’s approach has been to look at E-Governance and E-Commerce primarily from the promotional aspects looking at the vast opportunities and the need to sensitize the population to the possibilities of the information age. In this paper, the study has been focused on some year wise rapid multiplicative growth in cyber fraud to increase the extent of cybercrimes in the KAVAL(Kanpur,Allahabad, Varanasi,Agra,Lucknow) cities in Uttar Pradesh. The statistics of the study has been taken from various authentic sources. On behalf of analysis, it seems to move faster than the criminals, which is extremely essential to face the future problems.



State of Cyber Security Implications,2015.

Source: Registrar General/Population Commissioner, RGI, MHA

Actual Population as per the Population Census, 2011.

Real world cyber crime cases.

Cyber Crime & Digital Evidence-Indian Perspective. by Rohas Nagpal.

Cybercrime survey report 2014.

India Risk Survey Report 2015


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How to Cite
Kushwaha, D. D. S., Sinha, D. J., & Shah, A. (2016). Domain Of I T Act And Cyber Crimes In Uttar Pradesh(India). International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 4(02), 1271-1275. Retrieved from