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This paper deals with fuzzy Laplace transform to obtain the solution of fuzzy fractional differential equation (FFDEs) under Riemann Liouville H-differentiability .This is in contrast to conventional solution that either require a quantity of fractional derivative of unknown solution at the initial point(Riemann Liouville) or a solution with increasing length of their support (Hukuhara),using the fuzzy Laplace transform to solve differential equation with fractional order (0 < <1).The best of our knowledge,there is limited research devoted to the analytical method to solve the FFDEs under Riemann Liouville Hdifferentiability. An analytical solution is presented to confirm the capability of proposed method.



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How to Cite
Rubanraj, D. S., & Sangeetha, J. (2016). Fuzzy Laplace Transform With Fuzzy Fractional Differential Equation. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 4(03), 1276-1282. Retrieved from