
Keywords: Information Systems, MSME, Business, Waterfall, Website

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Micro, small business is one of the businesses that can empower the community in the field of small and micro businesses, but along with the growing number of SMEs in Karawang Regency, support is needed so that business actors can develop the businesses they run, it is hoped that the business actors will not be too immediately to fulfill everyday life. For this reason, the Karawang Regency Government needs to obtain business information that is run by business actors. The author's goal in conducting this research is to make an application for a management information system for empowering micro-enterprises in Karawang Regency. The system development method used is the waterfall method to create a visual design using the Unified Modeling Language (UML). With this system, it is hoped that it will be able to publish micro business profile information along with the products or services sold by business actors, so that it can help inform the through online media to the wider community, with the hope of increasing turnover and income and also Making a micro business management information system application will make it easier data management of micro business actors in Karawang Regency which can be used to determine policies for stakeholders.



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How to Cite
Hananto, A., Widawati, E., Iskandar, I., Huda, B., Apriani, F. N., & Nardilasari, A. P. (2022). Management Information System for Micro Business Empowerment (SIMPUM) Karawang Regency. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 10(12), 2995-3001.