
Keywords: smart city, europe, city, developed countries, multidimensional scaling

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A decent life has become a hot issue for discussion as stated in the SDGs points, one of them is Smart City. In this research, the researchers used cities in Europe, a continent with countries that tend to have developed. By using multidimensional scaling analysis techniques, the authors present the mapping from an objective data-based point of view, aiming to analyze the closeness of characteristics between 70 cities spread across Europe, and provide ideas and valuable sources for policymakers. From the results of this analysis using R software, it was found that cities within the same country tend to have similar characteristics, which can take into consideration by the European Union to carry out equitable development for cities that do not have good enough smart city indicators.



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How to Cite
Yosifa, A., Novianti, D., Auliyah, N., Al Maula, S., -, D., Mardianto, M. F., & Ana, E. (2023). Classification of Cities in Europe Based on Smart City Indicators Using Multidimensional Scaling Analysis. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 11(2), 3243-3247.