
Keywords: Logistic network optimization, PSO, Parallel computing algorithm, Master-slave PC clusters.

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Recently, we have concerned the strategic optimization on logistic network design and developed an efficient two-level solution method. To cope with extremely large-scale problems, in this paper, we propose a novel algorithm for parallel computing. Thereat, noticing the analogy between the two-level algorithms and the master-slave configuration of PC cluster on one hand, and the suitability of the population-based algorithm like particle swarm optimization (PSO) on the other hand, we have developed a parallel procedure that can make overhead and idle time extremely small, and bring about high performance finally.



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How to Cite
Rashidifar, A. A., Rashidifar, M. A., & Abertavi, A. (2016). An Implementation of Parallel Computing for Hierarchical Logistic Network Design Optimization Using PSO Algorithm. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 4(06), 1469-1474. Retrieved from