
Keywords: NoSQL, NewSQL, SQL, Strategies of choice.

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Databases in general and the relational model in particular have existed for several decades. This very powerful model represented the perfect solution for the various actors in the field of data management. Nevertheless, these architectures have reached their limits for certain big data services, such as Google, Yahoo, Facebook. To meet these new needs, several reflections relating to the design of new architectures and new solutions for data management have been proposed, mainly NoSQL and NewSQL. Currently, many users of relational database management systems want to switch to these new solutions to anticipate the explosion of their data in the future and the support of data unstructured. To justify and motivate such a changeover, we are developing a comparative study on the performance of SQL, NoSQL and Newsql solutions. The purpose is to provide a set of criteria and indicators to interested actors, for possible decision-making on the appropriate solutions for their companies, by developing an experimental analysis on these solutions. The criteria for adopting each technology are also presented in order to guide the strategy for choosing one or more of them.




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How to Cite
Augustin, N., Nico, K., Elisée, N., & Bienvenue, K. (2023). Evolution of Storage Systems: Strategies of Choice and Experimental Evaluation of the Performance of SQL, NOSQL and NEWSQL Solutions. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 11(4), 3364-3370.