
Keywords: Artificial intelligence, artificial thinking, artificial language, letter math

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The construction of a thought and an artificial intelligence is possible with the language of numbered letters. Language that arose through the creation of the book "New mathematics of letters, triumph with mathematics" updated with the title "New mathematics of letters 2nd edition". Books that expose the language of letters and a mathematics of letters where addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of letters are found, with examples and their corresponding mathematical tables. With the mathematics of letters, any type of mathematical operations can be done, since it is one more mathematics.

With the language of numbered letters in order, which represent letters, words and sentences numbered in order, a robot with artificial intelligence through the numbers of words numbered in order could acquire endless all kinds of information obtained by any artificial sense. Numeric information that would have to be transformed into binary numbers.



Melgar, S. S. (2022). Nueva matemática de letras 2ª edición. Corbera de llobregat (Barcelona):

Melgar, S. S. (2022). Nueva matemática de letras, triunfa con la matemática. Corbera de llobregat (Barcelona):


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How to Cite
Sanchez-Melgar, S. (2023). How to Create an Artificial Thought and Intelligence? and the Math of Letters. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 11(4), 3351-3354.