
Keywords: Ferrofluids, Rosensweig model, Shliomis model, Jenkins model, hyperbolic slider bearing, Langevin’s parameter, volume concentration.

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Ferrofluids have good applications as lubricants. Rosenswieg, Shliomis and Jenkins are three important models of ferrofluid depending on the stress relation. In this paper, we study Shliomis model for hyperbolic slider bearings. Expressions for pressure and load carrying capacity are obtained. It is shown that the load carrying capacity depends on the curvature of the hyperbolic bearing along with volume concentration and Langevin’s parameter.



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How to Cite
Nargund, A. L., & C. S, A. (2016). Study on Ferrofluid Bearings and their Load Capacity. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 4(06), 1475-1480. Retrieved from