
Keywords: Optimal Energy Control, Infinite Dimensional System , Semigroup of Linear Operators.

Article Content:-


This paper investigates an optimal energy problem for infinite-dimensional dynamic
systems governed by partial differential equations. A new concept of an optimal energy
problem is proposed, and its existence and uniqueness in Banach space are studied and
obtained in terms of the semigroup of linear operators and geometric properties of Banach
space. Finally, an application of the optimal control to an Euler-Bernoulli robot beam
is discussed, and it can be seen that the optimal energy control proposed in this paper
is viable to the robot system.




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How to Cite
Hou, G., & Hou, X. (2024). An Optimal Energy Control for Infinite Dimensional Systems with Applications. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 12(01), 3969-3987.