
Keywords: MHD, Couette Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer, Slip Condition, Variable Suction

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The effect of variable suction on unsteady magneto hydrodynamic free convective couette flow of a viscous incompressible electrically conducting fluid in the slip flow regime in presence of variable suction with heat and mass transfer was analyzed. The governing equations of the flow field were solved employing perturbation technique which gave the expressions for the velocity, temperature, concentration and the rate of heat and mass transfer. The effects of the flow parameters such as magnetic parameter M, permeability parameter Kp, Grashof number for heat transfer Gr, suction parameters α1, α2; slip flow parameter h1, h2; Prandtl number Pr etc. on the flow field have been studied and the results are presented graphically and discussed quantitatively.



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How to Cite
P., A., K.M., J., A.A., A., & M.A., M. (2015). Effect of Variable Suction on Magneto Hydrodynamic Couette Flow through a Porous Medium in the Slip Flow Regime with Heat and Mass Transfer. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 3(03), 925-937. Retrieved from