
Keywords: Prime numbers, digit 3, successive occurrences.

Article Content:-


All primes less than 1 trillion are analyzed for successive occurrence of 3 in their digits. Multiple successive occurrences of 3’s are also searched. Within all first 12 ranges of increasing powers of 10, the first and last prime numbers with all possible multiple successive digit 3’s are also determined.Comparison with number of prime numbers having multiple successive 1’s and 2’s in their digits with those many 3’s in them is presented. The smallest and the largest primes with multiple successive 3’s in their digits are determined.



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Neeraj Anant Pande, “Analysis of Non-successive Occurrence of Digit 1 in Prime Numbers till 1 Trillion”, Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 7 (10), 2016, pp. 499-505.

Neeraj Anant Pande, “Analysis of Occurrence of Digit 2 in Prime Numbers till 1 Trillion”, International Journal of Recent Research in Mathematics Computer Science and Information Technology, Vol. 3, Issue 2, 2016, pp. 1 – 7.

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Neeraj Anant Pande, “Analysis of Non-successive Occurrence of Digit 2 in Prime Numbers till 1 Trillion”, International Journal Of Advancement In Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Science, Communicated, 2016.

Neeraj Anant Pande, “Analysis of Occurrence of Digit 3 in Prime Numbers till 1 Trillion”, IOSR-Journal of Mathematics, Communicated, 2016.

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How to Cite
Pande, N. A. (2016). Analysis of Successive Occurrence of Digit 3 in Prime Numbers till 1 Trillion. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 4(11), 1691-1700. Retrieved from