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In this paper we propose two shrinkage estimators of the entropy function for the exponential distribution, using progressive Type II censored sample. The risk functions and the relative risk functions of the suggested estimators are derived under symmetric and asymmetric loss functions, viz., squared error loss function and LINEX loss function. The results show that the suggested estimators have better performance than a classical estimator in terms relat ive risk. Keywords and phrases: entropy function, exponential distribution, shrinkage estimat ion, progressive censoring type II sample. 2010 Mathemat ics Subject Classificat ion: 94A17, 62N01, 62N02.



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Jiheel, A. K., & Shanubhogue, A. (2014). Shrinkage Estimation of the Entropy Function for the Exponential Distribution under Different Loss Functions Using Progressive Type II Censored Sample. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 2(04), 394-402. Retrieved from