
Keywords: HFSS, SWB, Air Bone Radar System, Return Loss, Gain

Article Content:-


A low profile novel compact microstrip antenna is presented for super-wideband (SWB) applications.The proposed antenna is used to air bone radar system. The proposed antenna consists of a octagonal radiating patch and a partial ground plane. The substrate of the proposed antenna is made of Dacron fabric with permittivity 3. The ground plane is slotted with author name initials. Super wide bandwidth is achieved by optimizing the geometry, introducing a square slot in the partial ground plane and introducing novel slot pattern on the radiating patch of the antenna. This novel slot represents the “wireless antenna” icon which gives range of an antenna. The dimension of the proposed antenna substrate is 40×34×1.7 and the bandwidth 10.969 GHz starting from 38.965 GHz to 49.9333 GHz for return loss less than -10 dB. The gain variation is from 3.2 dB to 11.2147 dB and average total efficiency more than 83%. Maximum power of 19.39mW may be set as input to the proposed antenna in order to guarantee compliance with the IEEE C95.1-1999 safetystandard.The proposed antenna design details and simulated results are presentedbyHFSS.



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How to Cite
Vikas, V. (2018). Design & Simulation of SWB Antenna For Air Bone Radar System. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 5(02), 1783-1789. Retrieved from