
Keywords: Big Data, Data Mining, Forecasting

Article Content:-


BIG Data is another term used to distinguish the datasets that because of their substantial size and manysided quality, we cannot oversee them with our present approaches or information mining delicate product instruments. Huge Data mining is the ability of removing helpful data from these vast datasets or surges of information, that because of its volume, variability, and speed, it was unrealistic before to do it. The Big Data test is turning into a standout amongst the most energizing open doors for the following years. We exhibit in this issue, an expansive diagram of the point, its present status, discussion, and figure to what's to come. We present four articles, composed by in until researchers in the end, covering the most intriguing and cutting edge themes on Big Data mining.



Demchenko, Y. ; Syst. & Network Eng. Group, Univ. of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands ; De

Laat, C. ; Membrey, P, “Defining architecture components of the Big Data Ecosystem”, Published

in:Collaboration Technologies and Systems (CTS), 2014 International Conference onDate of

Conference:19-23 May 2014Page(s):104 – 112.

Lei Wang ; State Key Lab. of Comput. Archit., Inst. of Comput. Technol., Beijing, China ;Jianfeng

Zhan ; ChunjieLuo ; Yuqing Zhu, “BigDataBench: A big data benchmark suite from internet services”, Published in:High Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA), 2014 IEEE 20th

International Symposium onDate of Conference:15-19 Feb. 2014Page(s):488 – 499.

Han Hu ; Sch. of Comput., Nat. Univ. of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore ; Yonggang Wen ; Tat-

Seng Chua ; Xuelong Li, “Toward Scalable Systems for Big Data Analytics: A Technology

Tutorial”, Published in:Access, IEEE (Volume:2 )Page(s):652 – 687ISSN :2169-3536Date of

Publication :24 June 2014Date of Current Version :10 July 2014.

Pandey, S. ; Shri Vaishnav Inst. of Tech. & Sci., Indore, India ; Tokekar, V., “Prominence of

MapReduce in Big Data Processing”, Published in:Communication Systems and Network

Technologies (CSNT), 2014 Fourth International Conference onDate of Conference:7-9 April

Page(s):555 – 560.

Kantere, V. ; Inst. of Inf. Service Sci., Univ. of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland, “A Holistic

Framework for Big Scientific Data Management”, Published in:Big Data (BigData Congress), 2014

IEEE International Congress onDate of Conference:June 27 2014-July 2 2014Page(s):220 – 226.

Wang, Guoyin ; Inst. of Comput. Sci. & Technol., Chongqing Univ. of Posts &Telecommun.,

Chongqing ; Jun Hu ; Qinghua Zhang ; Xianquan Liu, “Granular computing based data mining in the

views of rough set and fuzzy set”, Published in:Granular Computing, 2008. GrC 2008. IEEE

International Conference onDate of Conference:26-28 Aug. 2008Page(s):67.


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How to Cite
Prabhu, G., & Mala, D. R. (2015). Using Bigdata Excaviting to Predict the Future. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 3(08), 1117-1123. Retrieved from