
Keywords: Covert Channel, Storage Channel, Timing Channel, Steganography, Security and Network.

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A covert channel is any methodology of communication that's accustomed illicitly transfer data, so breaking the protection policy of the system. Any shared resource will probably be used as a covert channel. There are several threats that fashionable network security should take under consideration. From brute force watchword attacks to port scanning, the issues, that system engineers and administrators should worry re-garding, increase at a quicker than traditional pace. However, one in all the problems that several within the field haven't paid enough attention to is covert channels. During this paper, we have a tendency to gift an outline of covert channels with examples. We have a tendency to explore the 2 forms of covert channels: storage channels and temporal order channels. Storage channels are additional normally used than timing channels as a result of their easier to implement each represent major security threats. Covert channels are often designed for either one system or a network. It’s necessary for system engineers to know covert chan-nels in order that they're going to be able to preemptively overcome sure security issues.



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Ajit M., M. B., & Bharat S., P. B. (2014). Security Approach for Computer Network Based On Detect-ing Covert Channel In Tcp/Ip Protocol. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 2(05), 416-421. Retrieved from