
Keywords: Hierarchical model, Relational model, Object- Relational model, XML, DTD, Semantic constraints, Structural constraints.

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XML has become a standard for data exchange on the Web. These data, after interchange among different sites, are often to exploit, share by applications designed for data stored in databases using the relational model and recently the object-relational model. The latter imposed itself due to its benefits in terms of reuse and sharing that improve productivity for both the developer and end user. In addition, the object-relational model that's an extension of the relational model has benefited greatly from the advantages of relational model in terms of access performance and security. To fully exploit XML data with the benefits of the object-relational model, we propose in this paper a methodology to convert data written in XML format respecting a DTD (Document Type Definition) into a schema of object-relational model.



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How to Cite
Machkour, M., Afdel, K., & Khamlichi, Y. I. (2014). Conversion Methodology from hierarchical model to Objectrelational model with structural and semantic aspects preservation. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 2(07), 503-511. Retrieved from