
Keywords: education, hospitality, quality, resource

Article Content:-


Over the last few decades the Hospitality and Tourism industry has been recognised as a significant economic contributor to the economy of Jammu and Kashmir. Therefore this growth of tourism industry globally and spreading out of tourism employment necessitated for involvement of quality education and
training of personnel in the hospitality and tourism sector.The aim of this paper is to assess the quality of hospitality education in Jammu and Kashmir. The objectives were to establish factors that have contributed to the quality of hospitality education in Jammu and Kashmir, determine factors that have led to the rapid growth of hospitality institutions, examine the student- instructor ratio in hospitality educational institutions, assess the curriculum content of hospitality programs, and to determine the factors that motivate students to pursue hospitality education. The research employed a survey design using a questionnaire and data was collected from 126 students and 4 heads of departments of four institutions offering degree, diploma and certificate courses in hospitality. Three public Universities were selected purposively while four colleges offering diploma, certificate and craft based skills were selected by complex random sampling .The study established that though facilities exist in the institutions of learning for the delivery of hospitality education, many of them were not adequate for the student population and others were unsuitable in the current competitive hospitality market. The research therefore concluded that for quality education to be achieved in hospitality there is an urgent need to integrate all the aspects of resources like personnel & learning for effective and quality delivery.



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How to Cite
Dar, A. A., Mehta, D. S. K., & Reshi, S. Y. (2016). Hospitality Education In Jammu And Kashmir: An Assessment From Quality Perspective. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 4(01), 1203-1210. Retrieved from