
Keywords: Longest Route, Critical Path Method, Modified Dijkstra’s, Floyd Warshall’s, Bellman Ford algorithms, LPP, Matlab, Network Analysis

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Network techniques are often used in scheduling projects that contain many interrelated activities. One approach that has been widely used is the Critical Path Method(CPM), in which a network diagram depicts precedence among activities. In the CPM, such as three parameters earliest event time, latest event time and
slack time are used to determine each of the critical activities. This paper also deals with the methodology to find the critical path using modified Dijkstra’s algorithm, Floyd Warshall’s algorithm and Bellman Ford algorithm. In addition to critical path problem formulated as a Linear Programming Problem (LPP), it was
also solved using binary integer (0-1) programming formulation. Further, dual of the linear programming is used to determine the critical path as well as critical distance. Finally, these algorithms were executed using matlab software.



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How to Cite
Roopa, D. K., Apoorva, H., & Viswanath, M. (2014). A Comparative Study on Different Algorithms for finding Longest Route in a Project Network. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 2(12), 751-765. Retrieved from