
Keywords: Cell phone, Photo, Algorithm, Image, and recognition.

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Cell phones are the perfect way to stay connected with others and provide the user with a sense of security. In the event of emergency, having a cell phone can allow help to reach you quickly and could possibly save lives. However, the importance of cell phones goes a way beyond personal safety. Modern cell phones are
capable of internet accesses, sending and receiving photos and files, and some cell phones are equipped with GPS (Geographic Position System) technology, allowing for use in most locations around the world and allowing the cell phone to be found or the user located in the event of loss or emergency. This research aims to develop an algorithm for image recognition and that by recognizing the numbers in the image. It is possible to send the car plate photo which contains the car number to the computer centre. By using the proposed algorithm, it is possible to read the number and then send the correct number to the main database to extract all the information concerns the owner of the car.



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How to Cite
Azize. Al.ani, D. S. A. (2014). A New Approach for Mobile Image Recognition. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 2(12), 766-773. Retrieved from