
Keywords: Graph, algorithm, dominating set, central structures.

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In this paper we consider a strong center location problem, which is based on the dominating set problem. The computation of the minimum dominating sets of a graph is used as a basic step for the determination of strong centers of the graph. The strong centers are developed from strong domination sets. We first
study reachable sets, link vectors of the vertices and then introduce two binary operations  and  for finding the dominating sets. These are used as tools for designing an algorithm to find the strong centers. We investigate the dominating sets of a graph. Some required results for developing algorithms are also proved. Using these concepts we present an algorithm to find all strong centers of a graph.



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How to Cite
Kinsley, A. A., & Somasundaram, S. (2013). Domination Based Algorithms to Strong Centers of A Graph. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 1(08), 204-208. Retrieved from