
Keywords: Multilevel Inverter; SHE-PWM; Particle Swarm Optimization; Genetic algorithm; Harmony Search algorithm

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In this paper, soft computing techniques specially GA, PSO and HSA are applied in multilevel inverter to compute switching angles at fundamental frequency switching scheme by solving non linear transcendental equations (known as selective harmonic elimination equations), thereby keeping certain predominating lower order harmonics within allowable limits, and simultaneously, control over magnitude of output voltage of a multilevel inverter is achieved. Optimization capability of THD minimization, computational time, FFT analysis has been studied for these optimization techniques in MATLAB environment.



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How to Cite
R, P., Prakash.T, B., S, P., & Rani.P, A. (2013). Harmonic elimination in multi level inverter by comparing various soft techniques. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 1(08), 209-214. Retrieved from