
Keywords: Hyper Wiener Index, Hyper Hosoya Polynomial, tree,Isomers, Chemical graph theory.

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The organic compounds exclusively composed of carbon and hydrogen atoms. The carbon tree can be represented as a graph by replacing the carbon atoms with vertices, chemical bonds are then represented as an edge in the graph. The Wiener Index W(G), Hyper-Wiener Index WW(G) and Hosoya Polynomial H(G; x), Hyper-Hosoya Polynomial H H(G; x) of a tree Graph is used to mathematical model of molecules in order to gain insight into physical properties of the chemical compounds. Some physical properties such as the boiling point, density are related to geometric structure of then compound. We examine the physical properties of pentane (C5H12). The (C5H12) has three different structural isomers with a linear structure of 5 carbon atoms, pentane, isopentane and neopentane with branched structure.



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How to Cite
Ahire, K. S., & Sawant, R. B. (2016). Hyper-Wiener Index, Hyper-Hosoya Polynomial For Tree Of Isomers Of Pentane. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 4(01), 1230-1235. Retrieved from