
Keywords: Mobile Ad hoc Network , route recovery, route detection, routing topology, route malfunction, numerous paths, match up establishes, route cache, cached routes

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In mobile ad hoc networks, common mobility during the communication of data causes route failure which results in path rediscovery. In this, we suggest Energy
Efficient Alternative path routing topology for efficient local route recovery (EEAPR) in Mobile Ad hoc Networks . In this topology, every source and destination pair establishes multiple paths in the single route discovery and they are cached in their route caches. Approach: The cached routes be sorted on the basis of their bandwidth availability. In case of route failure within the main route, a resurgence node which is an eavesdrop neighbor, detects it plus establishes a local recovery path with maximum bandwidth from its route cache. Results: in simulation results, we explain that the proposed approach improves network presentation. Conclusion: The future route recovery management technique prevents the frequent collision and degradation in the network performance.



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How to Cite
Reddy, G. S., & B S, M. M. (2013). Hop Level Resilient Multipath Routing Strategy for Mobile Ad hoc Networks. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 1(09), 245-250. Retrieved from