
Keywords: Metaheuristic, Alienor method, MOMA method, Optimization, mul t iobject ive.

Article Content:-


Our previous work has proved the performance of the MOMA method to solve multiobjective optimization problems [1]. More precisely the best approximation of the Pareto optimal solutions of linear and nonlinear probl ems in continuous variables [2,3]. But the results were mixed on some kids of problems. Thus, this present work presents an improvement of the performances of the MOMA  method to the resolution of problems of multiobjective optimization. This improvement consists in remplacing in the MOMA method, OPO (Operator Preserving the Optimum) by the strategy of the simplex algorithm of Nelder-Mead. This new procedure has been named MOMA-Plus[1] and makes it possible to obtain solutions at least as good as those of MOMA. Numerical exper iment s on a dozen benchmarks proved the effectiveness of this new version, MOMA-Plus. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 90C29, 90C30, 49M30, 49M37



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How to Cite
Some, K., Compaore, A., Sawadogo, W. O., Ulungu, B., & Some, B. (2017). Improving of Numerical Performance of The MOMA Method. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 5(05), 1817-1827. Retrieved from