
Keywords: Metric Spaces, Existence , Uniqueness, Differential Equations , MATLAB.

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A metric space is a set along with a measurement on the set, A metric actuates topological properties like open and shut sets, which lead to the investigation of more theoretical topological spaces. It also has many applications in functional analysis. The aim of this work is design and develop highly efficient algorithms that provide the existence of unique solutions to the differential equation in metric spaces using MATLAB. The quality algorithm was used and developed to solve the differential equation in metric spaces. For accurate results. The proposed model contributed to providing an integrated computer solution for all stages of the solution starting from the stage of solving differential equations in metric space and the stage of displaying and representing the results graphically in the MATLAB program



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How to Cite
Abdel Rahman, A. R. A., Ahmed Suliman, S., Elnaeem, H. A., & Osman, S. (2022). Computing of Existence and Uniqueness Solutions for Differential Equations in Metric Spaces by Using MATLAB. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 10(1), 2535-2539.