
Keywords: coupled KdV equations; soliton; multipliers; conservation laws.

Article Content:-


The conserved vectors from a system of coupled Kortewegde Vries equations that have modelled the propagation of shallow water waves, ion-acoustic waves in plasmas, solitons, and nonlinear perturbations along internal surfaces between layers of different densities in stratified fluids, for example propagation of solitons of long internal waves in oceans. Notable applications have been to model shock wave formation, turbulence, boundary layer behavior, and mass transport. This paper illustrates the computation of conserved quantities using two approaches. First, by the multiplier method and by an application of new conservation theorem developed by Nail Ibragimov.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 47B47; 47A30.



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How to Cite
Owuor, J. (2022). Conserved Quantities of a Nonlinear Coupled System of Korteweg-De Vries Equations. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 10(5), 2673-2681.