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The study looked into how the MalMath Application integration affected how well students performed when learning about the characteristics of a quadratic graph and how they felt about using the program. A quasi-experimental design was adopted in the investigation. The pre-questionnaire results were used to create the control and experimental groups (i.e., students who have access to smartphones and those who do not have access to smartphones respectively). While receiving treatment, the experimental groups' lessons included the MalMath app, whereas the control group received traditional training. For the study in Ghana, a Technical Senior High School's sample of N = 80 students were readily and purposefully selected as control and experimental groups. This study's theoretical underpinnings were informed by constructivism. The experimental group's findings regarding the scores of male and female did not show a significant difference, but the post-test results for the two groups showed a significant difference in the findings regarding the scores of female students. The findings of the post-questionnaire showed that students' attitudes on the usage of MalMathApp in teaching quadratic graphs are favourable, and they are willing to utilise it for other mathematical topics. It was advised that teachers use MalMath App to teach and learn about quadratic graph characteristics and any other mathematics courses.
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