
Keywords: Fuzzy Numbers, Fractional transportation problem, Pareto optimal solution.

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This paper deals with fractional transportation problem with fuzzy profit and cost coefficients. In this paper fuzziness in the objective function is handled with fuzzy programming techniques in the sense of multi objective approach. Cost and Profit coefficients are trapezoidal fuzzy numbers and for each set of crisp part of the fuzzy number a single fractional objective is considered. Each of the fractional objective function is solved independently using method given in Erik Bajalinov .Expanding each of the fractional objective about respective optimal solution using Taylor series method ,it is converted into linear transportation problem. Then we present a compensatory approach to solve multi objective linear transportation problem with fuzzy coefficients by using Werner’s and operator. This approach gives compromise solution which is both compensatory and Pareto optimal. A numerical example is given at the end to illustrate the approach



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How to Cite
Jadhav, D., & D.M., D. (2016). Solution Procedure to Solve Fractional Transportation Problem with Fuzzy Cost and Profit Coefficients. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 4(07), 1554-1562. Retrieved from