
Keywords: Cordial labeling, V4Cordial Labeling and V4Cordial Graph. 1.

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Let be any abelian group. A graph G = (V(G), E(G)) is said to be A-cordial[6] if there is a mapping f: V(G) A which satisfies the following two conditions with each edge e= uv is labeled as f(u)*f(v). (i)| | 1, a,b A (ii)| | 1, a,b A where = the number of vertices with label a = the number of vertices with label b = the number of edges with label a = the number of edges with label b We note that if A = <V4 , *> is a multiplicative group. Then the labeling is known as V4 Cordial Labeling. A graph is called a V4 Cordial graph if it admits a V4 Cordial Labeling. In this paper,It is proved thatZ-(Pn), Bookand are V4Cordial graphs.



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How to Cite
Pandiselvi, L., Navaneethakrishnan, S., Murugan, A., & Nagarajan, A. (2016). Star Related V4 Cordial graphs. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 4(10), 1610-1621. Retrieved from