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Accurate wind speed modeling is critical in estimating wind energy potential for harnessing wind power effectively. One of the bases for assessment of wind energy potential for a specified region is the probability distribution of wind speed, therefore wind speed data is needed to produce statistical modeling, especially in determining the best probability distribution. For this purpose, several modified distributions will be used and tested to determine the best model to describe wind speed in Pekanbaru. Six continuous probability density function such as Two Parameters Gamma (GM), Three Parameters Slashed Quasi-Gamma (SQG), Three Parameters Quasi Gamma (QG), Three Parameters Generalized Gamma (GG), Four Parameters Poly Weighted Exponentiated Gamma (PWEG) and Four Parameters Exponentiated Gamma Exponential (EGE) distributions were fitted for these tasks using the maximum likelihood technique. To determine the model’s fit to the daily wind speed data, several goodness-of-fit tests were applied, including the graphical methos test (pdf plot) and numerical criteria method test (AIC). The QG and GG distributions are found to be the best-fitted probability distribution based on goodness-of-fit tests for the daily wind speed data at the Pekanbaru station.
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