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Quality learning can affect the effectiveness of learning. One measure of learning effectiveness is students’ responses in learning. If students have the ability to manage, control, monitor, and regulate their emotions appropriately, they can be said to have good emotional intelligence. Therefore, emotional intelligence can be considered a component that can be taken into account and used as a basis for effective learning. The subjects used in this study were students of class X-04 Al-Islam High School of Krian-Sidoarjo. The method used in this study was descriptive quantitative with a one-shot case study research design. The results showed that students’ responses during the learning process identified using the STEM approach with the STAD (Student Team Achievement Division) learning model during two meetings were as follows: Students with high emotional intelligence obtained a positive response percentage of 95.71%. Students with moderate emotional intelligence obtained a positive response percentage of 91.67%. Meanwhile, students with low emotional intelligence obtained a positive response percentage of 58.64%.
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