Symplectic groups, General Linear groups, primitive groups
Article Content:-
In this paper, we ABSTRACT: In this paper we will determined the Properties of
Soluble Subgroups of General Linear Group.
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tome 1, Gauthier - villars, paris, PP.XVII – XLII(1961).
2. john D.Dixon (1971), the strueture of linear groups, Van Nostrand Reinhold, london.
3. john D.Dixon and Brian Mortimer "The primitive permataion groups of degreeless than 1000", Math. proc. camb. phlios.
soc. 103, 213-238(1988).
4. B.Huppert" Endliche Gruppen I", springer - verlag, Berlin, Heidlberg (1967).
5. M. Issacs. "Character degress and derived length of a solvable group" canad. J.Math. 27, 146-151 (1975).
6. C.Jordan,"Sur la resolution des equations les unes par les autres",C.R.Acad.Sci.72,283-290(1871).
7. L.G.Kovacs,J.Neubuser and M.F.Newman,"Some algorithms for finite soluble groups", C.R.Acad.Sci.57,223-232(1828).
8. A.S.KondratÅev, "Irreducible subgroups of the group GL(9, 2)", Mat. Zametki 39,320-329 (1986)
9. A.S.KondratÅev. "Irreducibles subgroups of the group GL(7, 2)". Mat Zameki, 37,317-321 (1985).
10. A.S.KondratÅev."The irreducble subgroups of the group GL8(2)"Comm. Aljebra15, 1039-1093 (1987).
11. M.W.Short. "The primitive soluble permutation Groups of degree less than 256,Springer - verlag lecture Notes in
Mathematics, 1519 (1992).
12. D.A.Suprunenko (1963), soluble and Nilpotent linear groups, Translations of mathematical monographs, vol. 9,
American mathematical society, providence, Rhode Island.
13. D.A.Suprunenko, Matrix groups, Translations of mathematical monographs, vol.45, American mathematical society,
providence, Rhode Island (1976).
14. Michio suzuki , Group theory I, springer verlag, New – york (1981).
15. Michio suzuki (1986), Group theory II, springer - verlag, New - york.
16. Hans J. Zassenhaus, the theory of Groups, chelsea publishing company, New Youk(1958).
17. B. Razzaghmaneshi, Determination of the JS-maximal soluble subgroups of the general linear group of less than 25 over
a filed of pk elements, ph.d theses of AUH, university (2002)
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How to Cite
HAVIGH, B. R. (2018). Properties of Soluble Subgroups of General Linear Group. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 6(03), 1867-1871.