
Keywords: subdivision on coconut tree, symmetrical tree, Regular bamboo tree, olive tree and spider graph SP (1^n 2^m)

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Let G (connected, undirected, simple and non-trivial graph with p vertices and q edges. Let f be an injective function f: V(G)  } and g be an injective function g: E(G) .Then the graph G is said to be (s, d) magic labeling if  is a constant, for all . A graph G is called (magic graphif it admits  magic labeling. In this paper the existence of (s, d) magic labeling of subdivision on some special trees are found.



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How to Cite
Sumathi, D., & Mala, P. (2024). (S, D) Magic Labeling of Subdivision of Some Special Trees. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 12(12), 4662-4668.