
Keywords: Mathematical creativity, task modification, creative self-efficacy, elementary school students, learning mathematics

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Traditional mathematics instruction frequently neglects the cultivation of creativity and creative self-efficacy in elementary school students, as it prioritizes procedural problem-solving techniques and memorization strategies. This study examines the influence of creative mathematical tasks and task modification activities as indicators of creativity on the creative self-efficacy and creativity skills of students. This quasi-experimental study consists in pretests and control groups. Whereas the experimental group participates in learning by means of creative tasks and activities that change mathematical assignments to inspire artistic thinking, the control group follows conventional teaching tactics. Interviews with students helped to compile data on their experiences throughout task modification activities, written tests including creative projects, and self-efficacy creative relieving.

The findings indicated a notable enhancement in creativity skills and creative self-efficacy among students in the experimental group relative to the control group. Task modification activities engage students in advanced cognitive processes, foster the generation of innovative and adaptable solutions, and enhance their confidence in addressing mathematical challenges. This result shows that include creative mathematical activities and letting students modify their assignments will help to improve mathematics instruction and inspire early on creativity and confidence. This study proposes that in order to improve students' creative self-efficacy, teachers include student-led task modifications and problem-based task in mathematics education. The long-term consequences of this method and its relevance to other mathematical materials will be investigated in next studies.



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How to Cite
Suryanti, S., Damayanti, N., & Yanti, L. (2024). Enhancing creativity skill and mathematics creative self-efficacy primary students through tasks modifying as creativity indicator. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 12(12), 4689-4694.