
Keywords: Best Worst Method, SMART, PROMETHEE, Confusion Matrix, Sensitivity Analysis

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This research aims to develop a model for selecting scholarship recipients using a combination of the Best Worst Method, SMART and PROMETHEE. The topic was chosen due to the importance of an objective and transparent selection process to improve access to higher education for underprivileged students. The Best Worst Method is used to determine criteria weights by comparing the best and worst criteria. SMART evaluates the utility value of alternatives based on the weights obtained from the Best Worst Method. PROMETHEE ranks the alternatives based on preference values calculated from SMART results. The results showed that this combination achieved an accuracy of 96,29%, precision of 96,67%, recall of 96,67%, and specificity of 96,67%. In the sensitivity analysis, based on 20 weight change experiments, resulted in an average value of 0,863, indicating the superiority of this method compared to others. These findings suggest that this combination is more robust to weight changes, making it more effective in maintaining consistency and objectivity during the selection process. Applying Best Worst Method, SMART and PROMETHEE enhances the quality of scholarship selection, ensuring fairness, objectivity and consistency in various decision-making situations.



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How to Cite
Setya Budi, M., Sugiharto, A., & Surarso, B. (2025). The Selection Model of Scholarship Recipients using a Combination of Best Worst Method, SMART and PROMETHEE. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 13(2), 4839-4845.