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Metacognitive strategies are techniques or approaches used to help students understand and control their own thinking processes, including the abilities to plan, monitor, and evaluate their learning. In the context of Problem Based Learning (PBL), these strategies assist students not only in deeply understanding the material but also in enhancing their ability to organize and reflect on how they solve problems independently. This article employs a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method to identify and analyze the fundamental concepts of metacognitive strategies, their roles in PBL, and effective implementation steps in the classroom. Key components discussed include task planning techniques, monitoring of understanding, and reflection on outcomes. The findings indicate that the application of metacognitive strategies within PBL can strengthen students' learning independence, improve critical thinking skills, and foster their confidence in tackling complex problems. Furthermore, the implementation of these strategies encourages students to be more active and reflective in their learning processes, contributing to a deeper and more sustainable understanding of the material.
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